Welcome to Shiima Asad Sharif's, Year 12 Media AS Coursework blog.

Pre- Production - Analysis - Fight Club

Fight Club Opening

Pre- Production - Analysis - The usual suspects

The Usual Suspects - Analysis

Pre- Production - Analysis - The Life of david gale

The Life of David Gale - Analysis

Pre- Production - One Hour Photo Notes Continued 3


Pre- Production - One Hour Photo Notes Continued 2


Pre- Production - One Hour Photo Notes Continued.


Pre- Production - One Hour Photo Notes Continued.

One hour photo notes


Pre- Production - Phone Booth Notes

Phone Booth Notes


Production Log- Week One

Pre- Production - Thriller Research

A broad genre of literature, film, television that consists of several and sometimes overlapping sub-genres, are called ‘Thrillers’. They are recognized as thrillers through fast pacing, frequent action, and heroes who must ruin the plans of more powerful villains. Thrillers use literary devices such as suspense, red herrings and cliff hangers.

If it "thrills", it is a thriller. As the introduction to a major anthology explains,

...Thrillers provide such a rich literary feast. There are all kinds. The legal thriller, spy thriller, action-adventure thriller, medical thriller, police thriller, romantic thriller, historical thriller, political thriller, religious thriller, high-tech thriller, military thriller. The list goes on and on, with new variations constantly being invented. In fact, this openness to expansion is one of the genre's most enduring characteristics. But what gives the variety of thrillers a common ground is the intensity of emotions they create, particularly those of apprehension and exhilaration, of excitement and breathlessness, all designed to generate that all-important thrill. By definition, if a thriller doesn't thrill, it's not doing its job.

—James Patterson, June 2006, "Introduction," Thriller

Watched a few thrillers so I could get an idea of what I am expected to produce. these thrillers are, Paranormal activity, Phone booth, Final Destination and The Others.

The trailer for The Others:

I then watched a few horrors, just so i could see how different the two genres are. One horror film i watched is the Original Saw Movie.

Continuity Exercise - Evaluation Of Past Students Work

Having watched the three video clips and evaluating them, I know that I need to work on the editing and use a variety of different shot types in order for my clip to be conventional to the genre and make it understandable through editing. 

Evaluation of Past Student Productions

Continuity Exercise - Feedback From Audience

Continuity Exercise - Evaluation Of Continuity Exercise

Good Points:
The digital technology, has clear shots and there was a good use of 'match on action'. Also, camera angle was good and the over shoulder was used well.
For the creativity, it was an original story line that would happen in some teenagers life, so therefore they would be able to relate to it. Also by the actors wearing regular clothes, adds the sense of reality to it. In addition, the ending was creative, when the hands separated was blurry.
For Post-production, the graphics used was good and the music set the mood. Also the music flowed with the suspense of the story line, for example 'the heartbeat' used at various points added to the feel that the teenager is nervous, this adds to the tension of the story line. The graphics at the beginning was good, the way the title came together and then faded out.
The research and planning was done very well, for example, taking one of the actors 'sukhvir' out of her free time to come and film. Also, getting the room as I had to ask permission before filming there.

Bad Points:
I could have used a better setting to film, to make it more believable and help set the scene more.
Some of the shots did not flow as well as it should, (for example the close up of my face and then the over shoulder.)

If I was to film it again I would film it in a living room, so it will be more realistic and help set the scene for the audience. Also, I would make sure the editing flowed well to make it seem more professional and well done.

Continuity Exercise - Final Video

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