Welcome to Shiima Asad Sharif's, Year 12 Media AS Coursework blog.

(Evaluation) Part 8 - Reflective Analysis Of Preliminary Exercise

(Evaluation) Part Seven - What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

Part 7

(Evaluation) Part 6 - How did you attract/address your audience?

How did you attract/address your audience?

My target audience for my thriller are people between the ages of 15-30; I feel that my thriller has reached this target audience. I know this as I included a non-linear narrative because, the "survey monkey" responses told me, that this is what my target audience wanted to see. I gained this knowledge through thrillers they suggested such as "Memento", which has a non-linear narrative.

Whilst planning, I decided to conceal the killer which I got from watching the thriller film Zodiac (David Fincher, 2007). This film probably has a similar target audience and I feel that concealing the killer was a good choice of mise-en-scene. If i was to reveal the killer in the opening sequence, i think that it would have not appealed to my target audience, seeing as they can already come to a conclusion of what will happen. However, looking at my feedback it was said that they wanted to see the killer, "...We should see the guys face, under the mask" I disagree with this statement, as it would have gone against the whole concept of my thriller. I chose to disguise the antagonist as it does not reveal to the audience who it is which makes it conventional. Also, I feel this disguise will attract my target audience as it will draw them in to watching the thriller, in order for them to find out who it is. Moreover, having a disguise for the antagonist will leave the audience asking questions about the thriller which is what thrillers aims to do; as a result this makes my thriller conventional.

"Typography not relevant to thriller" Again, I disagree with this statement made, I feel the typography worked well with my thriller. I think this because my sub-genre is Legal/Stalker Thriller; therefore the typewriting typography with the sound adds to the sense that it is a legal thriller. Also as legal documents will be typed, this connotes to the audience the sub-genre and possibly where the thriller is set. Therefore it will appeal to my target audience as it they will have a sense of what to expect. The audience know what to expect but not a lot is revealed, making it conventional.

During planning, I thought about having a red herring, which we included, having D.I Sharma acting as if he was the antagonist, which worked as from the feedback they assumed that D.I Sharma was involved with the crime, "the officer being called out the room will have something to do with the incident".

According to audience feedback, the majority agreed that the "graphics and sound works well together." and also the "continuous use of flashbacks, through out." The audience feedback proposed that this made the thriller successful, suggesting that a Non-linear narrative appeals more to my target audience. Also, having fast pace cuts was suggested that it worked well, "pace of the shots was a technical strength, as it was quick".

From the audience feedback, I know that my work could have been improved by making the lightening in the office scenes better, by trying to feel most parts at the same time, to avoid ligthening change. I know this as it was suggested that "lightening changes in the office scenes.."

(Evaluation) Part 5 - How Does Your Media Product Represent Particular Social groups?

How Does Your Media Product Represent Particular Social

(Evaluation) Part 4 - In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

(Evaluation) Part 3 - What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

(Evaluation) Part Two - Who would be the audiences for your product?

Target audience
Age: 15-30

Gender: Both, however due to an all male cast in the opening we aim it towards a male audience.

Ethnicity: All races, despite not having all races represented.

Social economic group: B-D, we chose this SEG, as thrillers require intelligence, therefore people with a professional career job (‘B’) such as teachers, and also people with an unskilled labour (‘D’) will enjoy watching thrillers.

Social class: Working – middle class, as people in this class tend to watch thrillers.

Locations: Mainstream (as we have chosen to have a Hollywood distributor due to not having any controversial themes which Niche, independent intuitions have.)

Existing Media Consumptions: Watch horror films, TV programmes such as Prison Break, 24 and CSI.

Habits and lifestyle: People who frequently watch thrillers and enjoy that specific genre. Also people who like to read yet still have an extrovert personality.

In order to research in to my target audience during pre-production I conducted a survey. The survey will tell me various information to do with thrillers, in order for me to use the information in my production. I found out that the majority of people who was interested in thrillers took the survey were in the age range 15-30. Also, they enjoyed watching thrillers that involved a psychological theme, stalker and a legal theme. With this information i used young actors to fit the age range, and for the psychological i used red herrings, twists and clues. To involve the stalker theme, the antagonist was concealed and followed Mr. Harris and for a legal theme it was set in a police environment.

(Evaluation) Part One - Brief

The brief required me to produce the titles and opening of a new (thriller/horror) fiction film, which lasts a maximum of 2 minutes. Also, the brief require me to produce all the video and audio material with the exception of music or audio effects taken from a copyright free source. My title of my thriller is called “Evidence” I chose this title as it connects with the storyline and sub genre of my thriller. In the opening sequence Mr. Harris is giving a witness testimony to D.I Sharma, however Mr. Harris is afraid to give evidence to the crime he has witnessed and is hesitating. Also, we see his thoughts through the flashbacks of Mr. Harris. As D.I Sharma leaves we see more of the flashbacks and then Mr. Harris feeling sick, with him throwing up in the washroom. The opening ends with Mr. Harris being attacked in the washroom. The sub genre of our thriller combines three sub-genres; this is explained in further detail in our treatment – Narrative section. The main and obvious sub genre is Legal thriller, it is clear that our thriller is legal as it involves Police officers which are shown through mise-en-scene (costume and location). Our thriller uses the psychological sub-genre which is evident as we use twists, red herring and clues which will confuse the audience’s mind, also with Mr. Harris being a confused character adds to the sense of a psychological sub-genre. The third sub-genre is stalker; this is seen through the mise-en-scene of the antagonist which is concealed and also through how he follows Mr. Harris.
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