Welcome to Shiima Asad Sharif's, Year 12 Media AS Coursework blog.

(Evaluation) Part Two - Who would be the audiences for your product?

Target audience
Age: 15-30

Gender: Both, however due to an all male cast in the opening we aim it towards a male audience.

Ethnicity: All races, despite not having all races represented.

Social economic group: B-D, we chose this SEG, as thrillers require intelligence, therefore people with a professional career job (‘B’) such as teachers, and also people with an unskilled labour (‘D’) will enjoy watching thrillers.

Social class: Working – middle class, as people in this class tend to watch thrillers.

Locations: Mainstream (as we have chosen to have a Hollywood distributor due to not having any controversial themes which Niche, independent intuitions have.)

Existing Media Consumptions: Watch horror films, TV programmes such as Prison Break, 24 and CSI.

Habits and lifestyle: People who frequently watch thrillers and enjoy that specific genre. Also people who like to read yet still have an extrovert personality.

In order to research in to my target audience during pre-production I conducted a survey. The survey will tell me various information to do with thrillers, in order for me to use the information in my production. I found out that the majority of people who was interested in thrillers took the survey were in the age range 15-30. Also, they enjoyed watching thrillers that involved a psychological theme, stalker and a legal theme. With this information i used young actors to fit the age range, and for the psychological i used red herrings, twists and clues. To involve the stalker theme, the antagonist was concealed and followed Mr. Harris and for a legal theme it was set in a police environment.


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