Welcome to Shiima Asad Sharif's, Year 12 Media AS Coursework blog.

Pre- Production - Found Locations

I will be using a found location for my thriller. In the opening I will only be using a total of two different locations; An interview room & a Men's washroom/lavatory. I have focused on trying to get all my locations within the school area, this way the locations are easily accessible which will be key for timing etc.

Interview room 
For this I need a room that is relatively dark in order to increase the thriller effect. When searching around the school I found a 3rd Drama Class room that is only used if the others are overcrowded.


As you can see the blinds can be closed and the room is fairly large so we can use any area of it as we like as this scene will mostly be shot in close ups. For this room, we will need to place a table and two chairs, both of which the drama department have. I have told them the rough dates for filming, '22/02/10 up until 16/03/10'. They stated that these dates will be acceptable. However, once I have had a meeting with my production partner and a detailed schedule has been produced, I will contact the drama department to confirm. Yet, I feel that just letting them know that we would like to use the room will be enough for now as I am confident that it shall be free at times during lesson and most certainly after school.

Men's washroom/lavatory

For this location there was two different possibilities;

Washroom Number One;

This was the first washroom that I looked for. It is open throughout the day so we would be able to use it to film. However, the only problem with it is that it is the day washroom and we will be likely to be disturbed multiple times, which is something that we would like to avoid. Furthermore, the blue interior will decrease the tension of the scene, therefore it is our 2nd choice.



Washroom Number Two;

After searching the school further I discovered the evening boys toliet. This is locked throughout the day so I was unable to attain photographs. However, I soon enquired about using the room, I told the teacher incharge of the rough dates and he said that it will not be a problem at all as there are no evening events during that time and it will not be used in the day time, he has granted permission to use the washroom and told staff to unlock the toliet for us exclusively. Therefore this location is perfect as;

We will not be disturbed as nobody has access to use the toliet.
It has a white interior, with a slightly dirty look.
It is in school and can be used at ANY time over the next few weeks as we have asked permission.


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